Diary of tomorrow for readers of today.


Here is where it all started:

6 Jan.2359

I found the wildest thing last Saturday. My friend, Panza, and I put on our lungvents and went down to the zero level of Canal Street. I've lived seven years in New York, and I've never gone below the 3rd skyheight. We went down because I've always heard about antique markets there. I mean old stuff pretotalcrash from the nineteenth, twentieth and twentyfirst century. It was amazing seeing so much material. At one stand selling books, I found a blank diary. It was leather bound and on the inside cover it read, "Fatto a Firenze" - Florence, Italy. Being an art history buff, I bought it. The dealer told me the diary was printed around 1999. I've only seen paper books like this in libraries or museums. It was a lot of money, but it was wonderful to touch and flip the pages back and forth between your thumbs, imagining how people years ago used to search for information like this. Since the pages are empty, it gave me an idea about keeping a diary in this old format. I found another dealer that sold ink pens. It seems crazy to deface this book with my own writing, but this was how people recorded their memories before neurotechs. I'm interested to find out what it was like. The dealer told me she has a small, dedicated following of people who keep diaries like this and that it changes their lives. So let this be my first entry. A new year is coming up, and this can be a resolution. Panza thinks I'm crazy. Happy New Year.



Futurediary | 2009